
Resources -Children’s participation and wellbeing

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Accessed 1 Feb, 2019

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child —Children’s Version
Accessed 1 Feb, 2019
Accessed 1 Feb, 2019
Accessed 1 Feb, 2019

Involving Children in Decision Making – Your quick practical guide. Commissioner for Children, Tasmania
Accessed 1 Feb, 2019

Engaging Children and Young People in Your Organisation
Accessed 1 Feb, 2019

Alston P., Tobin, J. 2005. Laying the Foundations for Children’s Rights -An Independent Study of some Key Legal and Institutional Aspects of the Impact of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Florence, Italy. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
Accessed 1 Feb, 2019

Invernizzi, A., Milne, B. 2005. ‘Conclusion: Some Elements of An Emergent Discourse on Children’s Right to Citizenship’
Accessed 1 Feb, 2019

Milne, B. 2005. ‘Is ‘Participation’ As It is Described by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) the Key to Children’s Citizenship?’
Accessed 1 Feb, 2019

Morrow, V. 2005. ‘Social Capital, Community Cohesion and Participation in England: A Space for Children and Young People?’
Accessed 1 Feb, 2019

The Tough Love Debate

On 10 October, Mental Health Day 2019, the UWA Public Policy Institute held a public seminar involving child trauma experts Dr Howard Bath, formerly the Northern Territory Children’s Commissioner, and UWA’s Professor Helen Milroy, a Commissioner in the Child Abuse Royal Commission. Both speakers shared their extensive experience in trauma-informed practice and discussed the roles schools can play in supporting the mental health of children and young people.

  • Topics included:
    Strategies that help prevent the cycle of adversity being faced by many children and young people.
  • The ‘why’ behind violence, bullying and the increasing mental health challenges being faced by children and young people.
  • Responses by schools and communities that are most likely to positively impact the whole school community.