
Selected Publications by Zazie Bowen

Children’s Authentic Participation: A Facilitator’s Guide – Intergenerational Collaborations, Zazie Bowen – View on Amazon

Children and Knowledge – Contemporary and Historical Perspectives from India. 2019. (eds) Zazie Bowen and Jessica Hinchy. London. Routledge.
Children and Knowledge discount flyer

Zazie Bowen (2018) Interacting Circles of Educational Desire in Rural Odisha: Students, schools, state, Modern Asian Studies; Cambridge, 52:5 (Sep 2018): 1639-1663. DOI:10.1017/S0026749X16000809

Andrew Simon Gilbert, Josefine Antoniades, Zazie Bowen & Bianca Brijnath

(2019) Legitimising depression: community perspectives and the help-seeking continuum, Health

Sociology Review, 28:3, 291-306, DOI: 10.1080/14461242.2019.1670090

Zazie Bowen (2019) Messengers and Media Messages: Learning and Knowledge of Muslim Women in India. Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific. 43, July, 2019.

Kathryn Robinson and Zazie Bowen (2019) Gender Relations and Women’s Agency – Indonesia-India Comparison. Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific. 43, July, 2019.

Zazie Bowen (2015) Play on the mother-ground: children’s games in rural Odisha, South Asian History and Culture, 6:3, 330-347, DOI: 10.1080/19472498.2015.1030871

Zazie Bowen & Jessica Hinchy (2015) Introduction: children and knowledge in

India, South Asian History and Culture, 6:3, 317-329, DOI: 10.1080/19472498.2015.1030875

Zazie Bowen (2018) A Fly in the Curry: Independent Documentary Film in India, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 19:1, 97-99, DOI: 10.1080/14442213.2017.1394623